Tax Filing Season Commences January 20

The income tax filing season starts on January 20, 2015, states the Internal Revenue Service. This means that people may begin filing returns for Taxes 2014 on that date. This day will kick-off the filing season even though the United State Congress passed a eleventh hour tax law, and it was signed by President Obama.

In addition, the Congress passed a bill which extends more than 50 soon to expire income tax breaks. The extension goes through the end of 2014 and allows filers to take advantage of them on their 2014 federal income tax returns. The President signed … Read the rest

ERP Software Systems

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software facilitates managing business resources efficiently. ERP software systems are provided by multiple vendors for implementation by businesses of various sizes and and types. For example, this post briefly describes the Enterprise 21 ERP system that is provided by TGI for implementation by small to medium-size manufacturing and distribution companies.
Enterprise 21 supports multiple business operations, including:

Business intelligence
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Financial management
Inventory management
Manufacturing management
Project accounting
Sales-order management
Warehouse management

You can deploy Enterprise 21 with any database that complies with Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC), such as IBMRead the rest

Apple Keeps Cash Overseas Because Of High Taxes At Home

Due to high taxes, Apple plans to continue holding its cash overseas, company says

Apple will in the next three years spend around $45 billion as part of a program launched on Monday that will see shareholders get the first dividend since 1995.

However, that money will not come from the $64 billion held by the company in foreign countries. This is because the government charges a very high tax rate for repatriating money.

Peter Oppenheimer told analysts and investors during the Monday conference that the company does not want to incur the cost of repatriating foreign cash at the … Read the rest