The Fiscal Cliff Fact Check

Checking the facts on President Obama and the ‘fiscal cliff’ deal.

There are some important facts which President Obama fails to mention in a Web video concerning the fiscal deal that leave the wrong impression concerning its impact on both the deficit and the taxpayers:

The president tells everyone that “middle-class families” Re not going to have to pay anywhere up to $2000 in additional taxes this coming year. This is certainly true in regard to income taxes however Obama fails to also tell the public about a payroll tax cut expiring. That expiration means that approximately 77% of all … Read the rest

Fiscal Cliff Deal – 77 Percent Of All Americans Set To Pay More Taxes

Fiscal Cliff Deal

The President has claimed that the Tuesday night fiscal cliff deal will reduce middle class taxes in America. However, taxes for most Americans will increase in 2013. The tax relief that has been built into the package will add nearly $4 trillion per year for the next 10 years to the existing $16 trillion debt. The fiscal cliff deal passed by the Senate and the Congress will not stop the Social Security payroll tax cut from expiring. This means that more than 75 percent of American households will face a higher federal tax liability in 2013.

Tax … Read the rest

Apple Keeps Cash Overseas Because Of High Taxes At Home

Due to high taxes, Apple plans to continue holding its cash overseas, company says

Apple will in the next three years spend around $45 billion as part of a program launched on Monday that will see shareholders get the first dividend since 1995.

However, that money will not come from the $64 billion held by the company in foreign countries. This is because the government charges a very high tax rate for repatriating money.

Peter Oppenheimer told analysts and investors during the Monday conference that the company does not want to incur the cost of repatriating foreign cash at the … Read the rest

CEOs Press Congress And Obama For Lower Taxes And Smarter Regulation

Dozens of CEOs freshly out of their meeting with the Blue Dog Coalition have worked through a Business Roundtable lobbying meeting to reveal their proposals for boosting the economy today.

Their plan, known as Taking Action for America, is calling for a balanced federal budget, reform of regulations at the federal level and a lower tax rate for corporations that would use a territorial tax system as well as other changes.

President of Roundtable, former governor of Michigan, John Engler (R) and the contingent of CEOs met with President Obama Tuesday evening and are scheduled to meet with Timothy Geithner, … Read the rest

Planning For Tax Changes

Potential changes in the tax laws proposed by President Obama mean that right now is a great time to start budgeting for your 2012 taxes.  One major change will be a change for those in the highest tax bracket from fifteen to nearly forty percent as part of sweeping increases in taxes collected from high-income individuals in the next ten years.

The plan calls for high taxes on earnings from dividends, a departure from earlier policies that protected earnings on this type of income.  The White House feels that the system for taxing investment earnings is one of the most … Read the rest

Interesting Facts On Taxes

Mr. President, the problem lies with Government Spending and not taxes.

If you saw President Obama’s 2013 budget estimates, then you probably know that he plans to raise 1.5 trillion dollars by increasing taxes for the rich.

It seems the Obama administration believes in taking people for a ride. They think that if they tell a lie over and over again, it becomes a fact. Nowadays, the president and his leftist cabal spend the whole day talking about how rates for the rich are too low.

Anyone who thinks tax rates for any group of people is too low has … Read the rest