Choose TurboTax For The Best Tax Refund Ever!

When is TurboTax 2013 Being Released?

The popular and very useful TurboTax program is back! It is nearly ready for 2013.

The TurboTax software that was designed in 2013 will be released on the 12th of December. This will be for desktop, laptop, and downloadable versions. This will be available at some point in the middle of January for those using the online version of TurboTax.

Please be assured that this will be around far before you need it for preparing your 2012 tax return. You will be able to safely and easily navigate the important and at times confusing … Read the rest

The Benefits Of Using Federal Free TurboTax

Federal Free TurboTax

It isn’t long until 2012 taxes have to be filed. More people are filing online using software like free Turbo Tax. Filing online can make the process easier and it saves time going to a tax preparer. Software such as Federal Free TurboTax does everything for you.

How Turbo Tax Software Works

Turbo Tax is used by millions of people each year. They comment on how it made the process simpler and faster. This software automatically calculates your refund or taxes you according to the data you enter. You can also save your documents for future reference … Read the rest

Don’t Waste Your Tax Refund: Make it Work for You

If you are one of the several million Americans who is anticipating a sizable tax return refund this year, then you know how very exciting the prospect can be. There are just so many things you can do with that lump sum of cash, right? However, the truth is that most people have great intentions for how they will make use of their tax refunds, only to put it into the checking account and watch it dwindle away on trivialities. The only way you can avoid this situation is to put some careful consideration into how to best reap the … Read the rest

E-File Tax Returns May Be Slower This Year

Some electronically filed tax returns slow

If you opted to e-file this year, hoping for a quick return, it might take a little longer. The IRS is taking longer to process returns in 2012.

Take the case of Levi Prine, who filed his taxes on February 20th. His return was accepted readily, and it said his refund should be available on March 5th.

The next week, he checked the date again, and it said it was “delayed” until February 28. A delay like that would puzzle anybody, and Prine decided to talk to a real person.

After waiting on the … Read the rest