Welcome to the October 4, 2012 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we have some very good articles including the first one by David de Souza on How Do Your Tax Credits Compare With The Rest Of The UK? Anisha at Nerdwallet.com takes a look at Tax-Advantaged Savings Vehicles. How will Mitt Romney handle The Debt Ceiling Deal? Bill Smith has a post for your consideration. And finally Edward Webber examines Which Countries Have The Highest Tax Rates. Hope you enjoy the articles, bookmark, share, tweet, like on Facebook and come back soon.
Samantha Savory presents Let the (Budgeted) Fall Shopping Season Begin! | Miss Money Bee posted at Miss Money Bee, saying, “Temperatures are getting lower and soon the leaves will start changing, which can only mean one thing: Fall is nearly here! For most people, the fall season brings pumpkins, cozy sweaters and cool nights to mind. For others, it signals the time to put away their summer wardrobe and prepare for sweater dresses and boots. After you get done with the task of packing away your favorite tank tops and shorts, you might find that last year’s threads are worn or damaged.”
David de Souza presents How Do Your Tax Credits Compare With The Rest Of The UK? posted at Tax Credits, saying, “This blog post shows which areas of the UK recieve the most tax credits, with London top of the table at over 5,200 pounds.”
Bill Smith presents TurboTax 2012 Program posted at 2012 Tax – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “Turbo tax is a company that specializes in filing taxes. You can file your 2012 tax with them relatively easy.”
Bill Smith presents Impressive Free TurboTax posted at 2012 Taxes – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “Free TurboTax is a very easy way of getting taxes prepared and filed ready for submission. It is an ideal way for businesses and individuals to file their taxes.”
[email protected] presents How to Save on Tax? Tax-Advantaged Savings Vehicles posted at NerdWallet, saying, “Get expert opinions on popular tax-advantaged retirement savings vehicles and factors to consider.”
Bill Smith presents Mitt Romney and The Debt Ceiling Deal posted at 2011 Taxes, saying, “Mitt Romney called the deal between the White House and the congressional Republicans “a mistake”. He went on to say that the deal would cut our defense budget badly.”
Edward Webber presents Which Countries Have The Highest Tax Rates posted at TaxFix, saying, “If you think you are paying a high amount of tax, you should compare the tax rates of some of the other countries in the world.”
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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