What is the Federal Fresh Start Program?

The IRS created The Fresh Start program in early 2011 to help aid struggling taxpayers. They expanded the program in early 2012 to provide even more relief for people who are mired in tax debt. Here are the relief programs offered under the original and the new Federal Fresh Start Program.

Penalty Breaks

Taxpayers who were unemployed for at least a month in 2011 or before April 17, 2012 are exempt from failure-to-pay-penalties as long as they pay their taxes before the federal deadline. Additionally, taxpayers who qualify for this program can get a six-month extension before their taxes … Read the rest

Don’t Waste Your Tax Refund: Make it Work for You

If you are one of the several million Americans who is anticipating a sizable tax return refund this year, then you know how very exciting the prospect can be. There are just so many things you can do with that lump sum of cash, right? However, the truth is that most people have great intentions for how they will make use of their tax refunds, only to put it into the checking account and watch it dwindle away on trivialities. The only way you can avoid this situation is to put some careful consideration into how to best reap … Read the rest

How to Choose a Tax Professional

Your taxes are very important, and they’re something you don’t want to screw up. If you don’t feel comfortable doing them yourself, you’ll want to hire a tax professional to do them for you. Hiring someone to do your taxes can be costly, but it can also save you lots of time and headaches, and it can help you maximize your return. It’s incredibly important to hire someone who is both trustworthy and knowledgeable. Here are some tips on how to choose a tax professional.

Types of Professionals
There are two types of tax professionals that are usually best: enrolled … Read the rest