TurboTax Reaches Goal To Help US Troops

TurboTax Reaches Goal To Help US Troops

Intuit TurboTax recently announced that they have exceeded their $2 million goal to support US troops.  This campaign was launched in part with Mission2Match and Operation Homefront and raised over $1 million from direct donations alone.  The money will be used to support U.S. troops and their families.

Operation Homefront is a countrywide non-profit association.  Since its humble beginnings in 2002, this organization has helped more than 590,000 military families.  With 94 percent of donated revenue going directly to help service members and their families, this charity has a four-star rating with Charity … Read the rest

The Benefits Of Using TurboTax To File Your Taxes

Using TurboTax 2013 To File Your Taxes

If you have never used Turbo Tax before, you need to consider filing your taxes with this computer program this year. The old methods of tax preparation are quickly becoming archaic. Computers have revolutionized the process, and TurboTax 2013 is leading the way with a number of different advantages.

You Can E-File
One of the main benefits of Turbo Tax is that you can e-file your paperwork when you get done. Say goodbye to stamps, envelopes, and getting your documents back because you didn’t use enough postage. With TurboTax 2013, you could do … Read the rest

Intuit Unveils TurboTax CPA Select

TurboTax CPA Select

TurboTax CPA Select is designed to connect small and medium business owners who require someone to file their taxes with a CPA.  In fact, the unveiling was done just in time for the new tax season. With this system, SMBs will know the amount of tax beforehand.

Brian Crofts, Group Product Manager, insists that With CPA Select, the company is focused on fulfilling their customers’ needs.

The new services will be introduced to its clients in two phases. First at the Small Business VCon on January 23. Second at the Intuit Innovation Gallery Walk on January 29. … Read the rest

Wealthy California Residents Upset About Higher Tax Rates

Residents Upset About Higher Tax Rates

Many business owners are seriously considering leaving “The Golden State” for good due to excessively high taxes.

From small business owners in the bustling town of San Diego to the top vintners in the beautiful Napa Valley, many high-income Californians are preparing to pack their bags for good.

High-ranking golfer Phil Mickelson is speaking out about his feelings on this issue. He feels that he is being forced to make some tough decisions and has admitted that he has considered relocating to a state that doesn’t make top-earning residents pay such high taxes. Although … Read the rest

Eliminating State Income Taxes Could Spur Economic Growth

Eliminating State Income Taxes

While Washington continues to struggle with attempts at major changes to the federal tax system, individual states have no such problem.  Many states in the South and Midwest that have single-party legislatures and are Republican-controlled are seeking to do away with the tax filing of state income taxes in favor of higher and more diverse sales taxes.

With 37 of the 50 states having single-party control of the legislature and governorship, seemingly radical projects such as tax reform can be handled much easier than in states that struggle with the need for a middle ground … Read the rest

Tax Returns: Processing Begins On January 30th

Tax Return Processing

The Internal Revenue Service of the United States(IRS) made the announcement this past week that the season for filing taxes will not begin until January 30th. They are not going to start any processing of individual tax returns until that date.

The IRS had originally announced January 22nd as the date they would be opening tax filing. The reason for the bump back in the date is the changes in the tax law that congress passed on New Year’s Day. This all had to do with the “fiscal cliff” negotiations between house Republicans and the president.

At … Read the rest