TurboTax Freedom Edition Review

TurboTax Freedom Edition

It takes a lot of effort to file taxes and keep track of everything. Depending on the difficulty, a professional may be required, as well as a substantial sum of money. As a result, online filing services arose to provide further convenience. TurboTax, for example, offers both the TurboTax Freedom Edition and TurboTax Paid packages.

TurboTax Freedom Edition
TurboTax Freedom Edition

About the Turbo tax Freedom Edition


  • Ease of Use

Tax returns meet simplified tax in this feature of the TurboTax freedom version. Preparation, printing, and e-filing are all made simple. The complexity of life does not become an added burden … Read the rest

New Features For The Best Tax Preparers Online

Most people have their tax forms or financial documents in hand at this moment in time and that means that they are ready to start preparing their taxes for 2014. This means that they might be looking at the latest online tax software from places like Turbo Tax and H&R Block for their online tax preparation needs. Unfortunately, the new features offered by the likes of these companies can be confusing and hard to understand. Maybe you need a couple of the best tax preparers online.

One of the new features offered by Turbo Tax is it’s mobile experience. With … Read the rest

The Tax Preparation Wars Have Begun

TurboTax Continues on With Its Own SuperBowl Ad

Intuit is the maker of Turbo Tax, a leading tax-preparation software. During the Superbowl, they aired their advertisement with no mention of the recent squabbles with furious customers over their software.

Rather than address the problem, Intuit chose to simply state the benefits of their program, which was being able to file both state and federal taxes for FREE. Their ad displayed a Boston Tea Party reenactment with a small twist to it. While angry American Patriots were swarming a British Ship, tossing large boxes of tea overboard, the British Redcoats were … Read the rest

Tax Filing Season Commences January 20

The income tax filing season starts on January 20, 2015, states the Internal Revenue Service. This means that people may begin filing returns for Taxes 2014 on that date. This day will kick-off the filing season even though the United State Congress passed a eleventh hour tax law, and it was signed by President Obama.

In addition, the Congress passed a bill which extends more than 50 soon to expire income tax breaks. The extension goes through the end of 2014 and allows filers to take advantage of them on their 2014 federal income tax returns. The President signed … Read the rest

Charitable Summer Giving Equals Tax Deductions

During the leisure-driven summer season, people should still want to increase their charitable giving. Not only is this a noble enterprise, but it also benefits the taxpayer during tax season. There are many avenues of giving that can earn a tax deduction for the average person.

For instance, children’s summer camps provide fun and safe day care to many needy kids. They rely on donations to help parents with summer time care while parents are working and the kids are not in school. Another good avenue is finding a community fan and air conditioning drive which helps families and the … Read the rest